Derek Houston Managing Director of Houston Travel Marketing is celebrating his 60th year of working in the tourism industry. He started in January 1965 with his first job with SATOUR in Pretoria.

One of the pioneers of Intra-Africa travel promotion, Derek and his wife Janet have been organising their famous Spotlight on Africa TravelExpos 25 years this year. “Spotlighting’ in 43 cities in Africa and Europe and met with over 15,000 travel trade during these TravelExpos.

Spotlight TravelExpos continue this year with a full programme of 8 TravelExpos throughout Africa

The first Spotlight TravelExpo in 2025 takes place in Arusha on January 23rd with 42 exhibitors and over 400 Trade expected to attend.

Followed by Spotlight Gaborone in February and Windhoek in March.

Our iconic Nairobi Spotlight Travel Expo will be held for the 18th time from 27 – 29 May with 35 exhibitors from Southern & Eastern Africa meeting with over 400 trade from Kenya.

Kenya is one of the biggest Africa “Air” markets for South Africa, with 50,000 plus Kenyan visitors to South Africa every year