Addis Ababa added to Spotlight Africa Season

I am pleased to advise that we have added ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia to our Spotlight schedule for 2016

Why Addis ??

Addis-img002Ethiopia has one of the highest GDP growth rates in the world (averaging 10% each year over the last decade) … coupled with a huge growth in the middle class population with a big demand to travel abroad. Then add the rapidly expanding Ethiopian Airlines network to African & overseas destinations…and you have the perfect recipe for an exciting new market to tap in to!!!

Addis Ababa — or Addis as it is commonly known — is Ethiopia’s capital and the country’s largest city as it is home to at least 4 million people. It is often referred to as Africa’s diplomatic capital – the African Union (AU) is headquartered in Addis Ababa, and more than 100 international missions and embassies are based there, meaning the city plays host to many of the continent’s dignitaries.

A top rated Washington DC Financial services firm ranked Ethiopia Number 3 on the fastest growing global economies list.


Monday 23 May 2016

  • Fly into Addis

Tuesday 24 May – Venue United Nations Conference Centre Addis

  • 08h30 -12h00: Breakfast and Spotlight Travel Expo for trade.
  • 12h00-13h00:  Light lunch and prize draw
  • 13h30: End of Travel Expo.
  • Fly home

