Spotlight Rand prices increase due to depreciation of the ZAR

Unfortunately the sharp decline in the Rand exchange rate against the US Dollar (and other currencies) have forced us to increase the Rand participation costs for the 2016 Workshops (applicable to new bookings only)

  • Lusaka and Harare will now cost ZAR5400 (previously R4400).
  • Gaborone will both remain the same as most of our costs are in Pula.
  • Kampala & Addis will each cost ZAR 9150 and Nairobi (two sessions ) will be ZAR19850
  • Central Europe –the Rand rate will be calculated at the Exchange rate applicable when the invoice is issued.

Hopefully the Rand will strengthen in the New Year and then we can adjust the price downwards.


Derek Houston
Tel +27 12 6651191/ 6652323 .Cell +27 82 4640901